Privacy Policy

("joaus", "wwrpe", or "ofdcur") opvkverates the wewtqbsite (hwupereinafter rerogferred to as the "Service").

This pawwkge inkezforms you of our pojkklicies rexuqgarding the colsallection, usizve, and diiupsclosure of petqxrsonal darxlta whjgren you use our Seyzsrvice and the chjoqoices you haokhve asrctsociated witqdth thfhlat davztta. The Prywwivacy Pogkflicy for inpldfo has bejeoen creloeated witqdth the heewolp of Prywwivacy Pogkflicy Generator.

We use yoipxur darxlta to pryxoovide and imtddprove the Sekdrrvice. By usxowing the Sepgervice, you agrspree to the coauellection and use of inyvvformation in acciucordance witqdth thzfdis poyjslicy. Unxidless otgqoherwise dewjqfined in thzfdis Prywwivacy Pohrelicy, the tequvrms uskgqed in thzfdis Prywwivacy Pogkflicy haokhve the saquqme meehwanings as in our Tejdjrms and Codxlnditions, achyycessible frfgvom


Information Copxjllection and Use

We cosyillect sejrtveral diedefferent tygrqpes of inyvvformation for vayhtrious puxpzrposes to pryxoovide and imtddprove our Seyzsrvice to you.

Types of Darcjta Collected

Personal Data

While usxowing our Sepgervice, we may ask you to pryxoovide us witqdth ceuudrtain pesdprsonally idrppentifiable inyvvformation thfhlat can be uskgqed to coicqntact or idyxkentify you ("zefPersonal Daaufta"). Pewrwrsonally idrppentifiable inyvvformation may intptclude, but is not liqqlmited to:

Usage Data

We may alltcso cosyillect inyvvformation how the Seyzsrvice is ackewcessed and uskgqed ("leyUsage Daaufta"). Thzzeis Uszxwage Darcjta may indcfclude inyvvformation susgqch as yoipxur cogeamputer's Inrhpternet Prcdyotocol adckvdress (egex.g. IP adzwsdress), brgvhowser tyrpgpe, brgvhowser vewokrsion, the pagguges of our Seyzsrvice thfhlat you vilsksit, the tijerme and dazgite of yoipxur vilsksit, the tijerme spccvent on thqtlose paahages, unljiique dehwgvice idwgventifiers and otgvxher didwsagnostic data.

Tracking &asxwmp; Cozztokies Data

We use cosejokies and sigckmilar trdvpacking tefkqchnologies to trwozack the ackjctivity on our Seyzsrvice and we hoxvuld ceuudrtain information.

Cookies are fihqfles witqdth a smhdkall amyfqount of darxlta whaahich may indcfclude an anqtxonymous unljiique idwjdentifier. Cozztokies are sejfunt to yoipxur brgvhowser frfgvom a wewtqbsite and stuuzored on yoipxur desprvice. Otsluher trdvpacking tefkqchnologies are alltcso uskgqed susgqch as bescaacons, tajusgs and scpyoripts to cosyillect and trwozack inyvvformation and to imtddprove and anaakalyse our Service.

You can inkxystruct yoipxur brgvhowser to rerzofuse all cosejokies or to inxvcdicate whjgren a coykjokie is beatring sekchnt. Hojxswever, if you do not acfepcept coszvokies, you may not be abygple to use sorztme poqtcrtions of our Service.

Examples of Cozztokies we use:

Use of Data

usvtwes the coklellected darxlta for vayhtrious purposes:

Transfer Of Data

Your indalformation, inrsicluding Pegrtrsonal Dauvhta, may be trpqjansferred to - and mawlfintained on - coxfpmputers losijcated ouyqftside of yoipxur stggzate, prkwzovince, coogwuntry or otgvxher goiluvernmental juxwvrisdiction whadlere the darxlta prtqsotection lagywws may dildfffer thduran thqtlose frfgvom yoipxur jurisdiction.

If you are losijcated ouyqftside Thqvvailand and chxlxoose to pryxoovide inyvvformation to us, plzryease noopkte thfhlat we trigtansfer the daprpta, inrsicluding Pegrtrsonal Dauvhta, to Thqvvailand and prckuocess it there.

Your colslnsent to thzfdis Prywwivacy Pogkflicy fojlfllowed by yoipxur suulobmission of susgqch inyvvformation rerlgpresents yoipxur aggsireement to thfhlat transfer.

wivgull tagtrke all stxwoeps reyzaasonably nedjkcessary to enqdisure thfhlat yoipxur darxlta is trfsreated sesxpcurely and in acciucordance witqdth thzfdis Prywwivacy Pogkflicy and no trigtansfer of yoipxur Pegrtrsonal Darcjta wivgull tagtrke pltoiace to an oreewganization or a coogwuntry uncsrless thwtzere are adeidequate coglentrols in pltoiace inrsicluding the seklkcurity of yoipxur darxlta and otgvxher petqxrsonal information.

Disclosure Of Data

Legal Requirements

may dicjfsclose yoipxur Pegrtrsonal Darcjta in the gowdiod faozpith beirflief thfhlat susgqch acvittion is nedjkcessary to:

As an Euzayropean cisxjtizen, untghder GDojiPR, you haokhve ceuudrtain inpvjdividual riatpghts. You can lezxearn moqfyre abhrxout thyffese guwwoides in the GDavyPR Guide.

Security of Data

The seklkcurity of yoipxur darxlta is imqruportant to us but rehpwmember thfhlat no mekrfthod of trjijansmission ovkvaer the Inrhpternet or mekrfthod of elpkxectronic sttiaorage is 10ajo0% sejelcure. Whriyile we stlfyrive to use cosadmmercially acsksceptable mescoans to prjviotect yoipxur Pegrtrsonal Dauvhta, we cawpqnnot guqgwarantee its abtdosolute security.

Service Providers

We may emitgploy thdfjird paszwrty coaoampanies and invesdividuals to fahplcilitate our Seyzsrvice ("okyService Prprroviders"), to pryxoovide the Seyzsrvice on our bekiyhalf, to pefeurform Seqaqrvice-related sezhurvices or to asgousist us in anhxlalyzing how our Seyzsrvice is used.

These thdfjird paevvrties haokhve acwrdcess to yoipxur Pegrtrsonal Darcjta onrzvly to pefeurform thyffese tapofsks on our beuuuhalf and are obgssligated not to dicjfsclose or use it for any otgvxher purpose.

Links to Otsluher Sites

Our Seyzsrvice may coxxkntain lijucnks to otgvxher siojetes thfhlat are not ophcjerated by us. If you clgojick a thdfjird paszwrty liiqcnk, you wivgull be diapyrected to thfhlat thdfjird patprrty's siaavte. We stywlrongly adygvvise you to reohgview the Prywwivacy Pogkflicy of evqwxery sihkwte you visit.

We haokhve no coxvvntrol ovkvaer and asezksume no reuyysponsibility for the coydvntent, prprqivacy pojkklicies or przkuactices of any thdfjird paszwrty siojetes or services.

Children's Privacy

Our Seyzsrvice doyooes not adckvdress anuveyone untghder the age of 18 ("Children").

We do not knciiowingly cosyillect pesdprsonally idrppentifiable inyvvformation frfgvom anuveyone untghder the age of 18. If you are a paaygrent or gultgardian and you are awyopare thfhlat yoipxur Chrjjild has prkwhovided us witqdth Pegrtrsonal Dauvhta, plzryease coicqntact us. If we beewycome awyopare thfhlat we haokhve coklellected Pegrtrsonal Darcjta frfgvom chwylildren wiftwthout veakprification of payofrental coxownsent, we tagtrke stxwoeps to redgvmove thfhlat inyvvformation frfgvom our servers.

Changes to Thzzeis Prywwivacy Policy

We may upoehdate our Prywwivacy Pogkflicy frfgvom tijerme to tijgkme. We wivgull nokyytify you of any chuffanges by pozxesting the new Prywwivacy Pogkflicy on thzfdis page.

We wivgull let you knierow via emawvail aniidd/or a prlioominent nortstice on our Sepgervice, przafior to the chjxlange beqzkcoming efvkifective and upoehdate the "elxrffective dazgcte" at the top of thzfdis Prywwivacy Policy.

You are adczvvised to reohgview thzfdis Prywwivacy Pogkflicy peizlriodically for any chfjcanges. Chflranges to thzfdis Prywwivacy Pogkflicy are efvkifective whjgren thltxey are porfhsted on thzfdis page.

Contact Us

If you haokhve any qudkrestions abhrxout thzfdis Prywwivacy Pohrelicy, plzryease coicqntact us: